Do you want to be updated with the latest news about ASEAN countries’ politics, economics, culture, society, entertainment, sports, tourism and a lot more? You definitely need to watch ASEAN TV which millions of people from all over 10 ASEAN countries have found to be a concrete source of information. Being their ears, eyes and voice for all their viewers, ASEAN TV has brought people closer, merging cultures and traditions and linking relationship to the rest of the countries in the world.
With this form of entertainment, we are delighted to have this blog dedicated to all ASEAN viewers to keep track of latest ASEAN news, as well as update of its different programmes. This blog will introduce you to ASEAN as a unified region, and will open your eyes to a lot of information through breaking issues and current affairs.
Welcome to our blog and enjoy every bit of what we have prepared for all of you. See you around!